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Don't miss this amazing offer! 9€ only!

Need some help for your transformation?
Get this 4 meditations bundle, are all about facilitating change and accompanying transformations, at a no brainer price of 9€!
  • 16-minute Energy Clearing Meditation: Preparation For Change
  • 15-minute Easy Decisions Meditation
  • 12-minute Letting Go Meditation
  • 14-minute Anchoring Changes Meditation

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2024 Vision Board Afternoon€48

  • Total payment
  • 1x2024 Vision Board Afternoon€48

All prices in EUR

  • How about entering 2024 in a creative, fun, aligned way?
  • Let's spend 3 hours together creating our vision boards for 2024 in inspiration, intuition, and imagination !  
  • We start with a meditation so we open up for change and the new coming... We let go of the old and welcome the new...
  • Then we get our fingers dirty and create a physical Vision Board for our 2024 amazing year! (We work with limited art supplies, you get sent a list when you book, this is NOT a digital vision board workshop)
  • We meet on Zoom on Saturday, January 13th, 3pm UK 
  • (check your time zones here:
  •  The workshop lasts around 3 hours.
  •  See you soon!
  • Sending, as always love, light and gratitude Isaya
Some love about last year's edition...

  • Thank you. That was amazing and I love your process. That was a brilliant process you took us on! Never did a vision board like that. 

Kristy Iris 

  •  Never having made a vision board I have loved it and been given focus, thank you. 

Trudy Malins  

  • Huge THANKS Isaya! Wonderful. A Vision Board leader extraordinaire! Thank you Isaya Belle Schwaar… not only did I have a great time… something shifted and I am truly making way for what I would like to “feel into “ for 2023!

Tracey Wilson-Kissoon
